Spoon Café is a peer-led group for people with lived experience of chronic pain and energy-limiting conditions.
The group informally meets up in a judgement free and friendly space on a regular basis. Meetings take place fortnightly, alternating between online and in person. We never publish pictures or disclose any personal information about attendees.
We meet on Tuesdays. In-person meetings take place in the Old Primary School, 2-4pm, in Tarbert. Evening meetings are conducted using Teams or Zoom and start at 7pm.
If you would like to know more about us or receive the date of our next meetings, please contact us at spooncafeharris@gmail.com.
Spoon Café's Code of Conduct
Do treat others with respect at all times.
Do accommodate others’ need wherever possible
Do be kind and supportive.
Do listen to others.
Do accept others’ unconditionally.
Do provide ‘trigger warnings’ for sensitive topics.
Do treat all information as confidential: ‘what is said in the group stays in the group’.
Don’t share personal information or contact details of another member without permission.
Don’t share anything discussed by group members outwith the group, whether by word of mouth or online.
Don’t offer unsolicited advice.
Don’t undermine others or express judgement.
Don’t talk over others.
Don’t gossip.